And about that time, Captain America woke me up. hehehe. I was doing very well with my escape plan, thank you very much! I didn't need rescuing - ROFL! Anyway, that was 8am. It was nice to sleep in, even if busy alluding the FBI....
Captain America headed off to work, and I decided to do a work out. I KNOW! What's up with that??? I put in Slim In Six and did the start up video. About 25 minutes. I was sweating by the end, and felt pretty good. Aren't you proud of me?
Captain America was having his CAT scan done today, and was at the hospital drinking some imaginig solution, or something like that. After he'd drank it, he headed to Fallas. We looked around for just a few more minutes, then headed back home.
Eme went with Captain America, so it was just me and Muse. Here's me in my truck.
AND, fast forward. It's now 8:41pm, and I'm sitting on the phone with Telenurse. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
So Captain America and I headed up to the hospital. He went and had his MRI and I sat in the waiting room. It was very quick, and we stopped by the hospital mini cafeteria for lunch. I got a chicken salad, with slivered almonds, manderine oranges, and cranberries. It was SOOO good :)
After lunch, we headed back to post. Well, back to main post. It was almost 3pm. Or was it 4pm. I can't remember. I made homemade pizza for the kids, and Captain America and I made plans to go to a store after the ballgame. I wanted to look at a new purse.....
I was kinda having a tiny bit of discomfort when I urinated, but nothing major. I tried to drink some extra water to help it out :)
Here's me before the ballgame.
Tom and I at the game
I took some pics of the team during/after the awards ceremony. They all got trophies, which was pretty cool. Next step, Post Wide playoffs. Go Charlie 2-43!
Here's Captain America and I in the waiting room of Del Sol.
I peed in a cup, and we waited FOREVER (well, probably an hour) in a little waiting room for the results. Dude came back to get us, yes, it was a UTI, and gave me some prescriptions for meds. He helped us get out of there faster than normal (thank goodness), and we were on our way.
We drove back over by our house ,and went to Walgreens. And yeah, this one by our house was not a 24 hour pharmacy. Only a 24 hour store. What's up with that???
So we headed to the 24 hour pharmacy Walgreens, and swung by Circle K on the way. Just to give it a try. Yeah, not a good one. No Diet Dr Pepper even. Cross that one off of the "good Circle K" list.
Here I am sporting my drink
It's now 2:14am.Captain America isn't gonna be able to go to 0445 formation, needless to say. But I'm really glad that he came with me. Last time I was sick and went to Del Sol, I had a kidney infection. And it was a BAD one. I had to drive myself, and it sucked. So it really meant a lot to me that he'd take time to come. Thanks, honey :) I love you :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG File, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Hope you feel better soon!!! Thanks for the WA! Love it! Will work well with, well...almost all the pictures of my 12 year old the butt shot of the team...I mean... the shot of the back of the guys... you know what I mean.... (shame on me...)
Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you are feeling better today for some shopping! :-)
Yuck to UTIs. Get well soon! Congrats to hubby for the Championship win. Thanks for the great word art. I can so hear my daughter saying that in my head. Well, close anyway "You gotta be Jokin' me!" LOL
Take care with the nasty UTI!!!
And thanks again for the WA :)
I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the WA!
Thanks for the fun WA. Sorry that you have a UTI - I got those frequently for a while and it was miserable! Praying you start feeling much better today with your medications!
thank you!!
I too hope you're feeling better soon. Top marks to Brent for going with you and for the win too. Thanks for another great word art. I just love your stuff and must remember to use it more not just download and sit looking at it lol x
Hope you're feeling better. Now I "get" this wording!
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