So I kinda heardCaptain America getting ready for his early morning meeting at church this morning, but only kind of. He SAID he told me when he left that it was 7:20am, but yeah, I have no memory of that. All I know is that I woke up at 8am in a bit of a panic. Crap!
I hurried and pulled my hair back, slapped on another quick layer of make up, got dressed, and was ready to go. hehe. Here's the finished product. Do I look OK for not having time to shower?

I got the kids ready quickly, fed them either a bowl of cereal or a PBJ, and we were out the door and off to church. I ate my yogurt in the truck, but I got it in.
Church was good, too. Since I started paying more attention in classes and such, I've really gotten more out of it. Novel concept, I know- hehehe. But I think we need to re-evaluate ouuselves every once in a while, and not take things for granted. I'd been doing that with church for a while. I REALLY liked the talks, and the lessons, and everything. And, since I'd been reading my scriptures a lot this past week, it was amazing how much of what I'd read tied into what the talks/lessons were about. I really enjoyed it.
I came home, got kids fed, clothes changed, and headed to Leslie's house. Her daughter was gonna die Leslie's hair, and Leslie did my gray at the same time, while all the stuff was out. THANKS! It was starting to show again - hehehe.

Colby doing Leslie's hair

I came back home after, and Captain America and the kids were finishing up a movie. See, no more gray in my hair! Woohoo!!!

I took my laptop into my room, and Captain America took a nap, and I did a project that I had to get finished up. The kids did their chores and had some quiet time. It's now 3:30pm, and I've gotta go make something for a potluck we're going to at 5pm with church friends I thought I'd get some of this blog entry done before we go. See, I'm using my time wisely :)
K, back again. It's not 9:33pm. We just got home a short while ago from the park, and had a TON of fun :) I'd gone and started dinner around 4pm. I made Lasagna casserole and lemon cupcakes. Mmmm, everything smelled yummy. Me? I had leftover pork, with salad, and a bit more yogurt (for more protein). Not fun, but good for me, I guess :)
We got everyone ready, and headed out at a little after 5pm. Yeah, late, but it's all good. The Nouhans were running late too, and we were going with them, so it worked.
Here's me in the truck. Like my Zebra outfit - ha!

We drove down near the boarder. Actually, from our position in the park, we could see the boarder patrol dude and the fence. Yeah, we were THAT close. ha! Parking was bad, and we parked down the road at a school. Actually, it was the same school that Jacob had an orchestra competition at back in the spring of '09, for anyone who's a long time follower - hehe.
Anyway, we parked, and here's a pic of the gang carrying all of our junk to the park.

Jannie Nouhan and Tom. Don't they look enthused?

And here's some more kids :)

It was hot, but there was a real nice breeze. We just sat and chatted and listened to the band in the distance. I'd eaten before we came, BUT I did try Hilary's lemon bars. Just a little piece, and I totally counted it as my "1 plain cookie" for the day - hehehe.
Here's Jimmy and I.

And Captain America.

Me in the sunshine :)

Captain America and I

Here's some new people from church, AND from our neighborhood. Maggie is her name, and their oldest kid is Jacob, but I didn't ever catch his name, or the little girl. FUN people, though. They'd fit right in with our rowdy group - hehehe.

Hilary and Paul

I like this picture of Captain America and I - hehehe.

We stayed until almost 9pm, and headed home. Don't wanna be too close to the boarder after dark, you know - hehe. But really, it was getting dark, kids needed to go to bed, my eyes were itchy from my contacts. So we headed home.
After we got home, we had a little Family Home Evening lesson on being selfish, and how complaining about things IS selfish. We have some children that REALLY needed to hear that lesson - hehehe. Hopefully it sunk in... We'll see :)
I'm sleepy, and getting ready for bed. Early night for me :)
click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Thank you :)
Very true saying!
HA!! Temptation stays in my guest room!!! Thank you for the laugh! Too true!! D :)
Thank you for the word art. Sounds like you all had a great day!
Oh yeah, don't we all know that one. My version on selfish/winge bag bit is "I know you are better than this so maybe you're tired and need to be sent to bed?" works about 75% so thats a winner for me!
Hey Beth!
I "see" you on FB, but I'm so bad about coming by the blog! You're an amazing lady! I'm glad Madi and Joe made it back ok.
I can't believe how big your kids are getting (really WHERE does the time go?)!
We "did lunch" with your mom while we were in Florence a couple of weeks ago. Always a good time, those Winonas! hehe
Boy, isn't that the truth! Thanks!
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