Rowan, Laurie's little boy, was dropped off at my house around 7:15am. And I was still in my jammies. I'm sure Spencer (his dad) loved that - hehe. Oh well, 7:15am is WAY too early for people to be up and dressed.... That's my story, anyhow...
The kids were excited to see him before they left for school!
I tried to put in my contacts, but the right one burned so bad, I had to take it right out. Crap. It was gonna be a glasses day today...
We headed home, Kari dropped off Rowan at my house, and she headed home. And I swear, it wasn't 3 minutes after we got home, that the smoke alarms started going off again. Sigh.
I'd given Jake new batteries yesterday to put n the smoke detectors, and they were still beeping. On and off. Well, this time, it wasn't off. After I pushed buttons, and did all I could think to do, I finally resorted to calling housing. And she could hear them going off, and said she'd send someone RIGHT over.
Yeah, 45 minutes later, right over... I guess that's fast. Unless you have to listen to this the whole time:
So, to distract myself, I decided to cook the Angel Food cake. In my cute new muffin bundt pans. Cause that would be fun, right? Yeah, not so much. I KNOW it's not supposed to look like this. Is there a trick to Angel Food Cake? I didn't spray the pans like it said to, and it stuck. HORRIBLY. SIgh.
I cleaned up my mess from the broken cake, and made up some Hot Dogs for the little kids at the picnic. Yeah, my bread had gone moldy. Couldn't make PBJ's out of that, you know...
Around 1125, Terra came and picked up Rowan and I, and we headed out to Howdy's and El Taco Tote. Score! First stop, Howdys! I totally wore my sunglasses OVER my regular glasses, sicne I couldn't put in my contacts today.
Check out how ADORABLE the little twins are :)
Here's Terra's and Amanda' and my sodas. It's like a little family of sodas :)
We headed back home, and Jim and Rowan watched some Scooby Doo. Then Jake got home, and yeah, Scooby Doo was quickly changed to Kim Possible. And then Tom, Eme, Joe, Phyrson, and Katyia came home. So I had 7 kids in my house. Dang, TONS of kids!
Anyway, yeah, there totally wasn't time for a shower. Or make up. But there was time for Jeans. So I put on a tad bit better clothes (emphasis on the tad), and left for Movie night! I was pretty excited.
I drove all the way over to the North East side, singing my heart out. It's some of my favorite times of the day, my singing time in the car, you know!
I wrote Captain America and email while I waited for the girls to show up, then decided to go wait outside the restaurant. And finally, Paige and Lynette got there. And yeah, the wait was an hour long. And we didn't have that kind of time. So we drove over to Casita Linda, that same Mexican restaurant that we'd gone to on the Girls Night we saw "I Am Number Four".
Then, it was off to the movie theater we went. I pulled into the parking space right next to Lynette and Paige, singing into my plastic microphone, and having a grand old time in my car by myself. hehe. Yeah, they love me :)
We met Kristie (who now lives at Ft Hood - she was in town for a bridal shower, or was it baby shower...), and Krystal, and Krystal's neighbor there. And I had Paige take my picture next to this GINORMOUS beach ball. Isn't it cool!
At lot of time, PG-13 scary movies are dumb. But this one was actually pretty good, and truly scary!
We chatted in the parking lot for a while after the movie, then all headed home. And they all joked about me going home alone, with no one to protect me. Whatever! I'm tough. And scary movies (knock on wood) don't affect me. And I'm not tempting fate (ok, fate...).
And Tom had done everything I'd asked him to do when I got home, aside from putting kids to bed. It was almost 1030, and the kids were still awake. Minus Jim, we was passed out on the couch. Sigh. I'll have to leave clearer bedtime directions next time. He thought that because it wasn't a school night, they didn't have to go to bed. I explained how staying up later was good, but just not going to bed at all was bad. hehe. He'll get it down :)
I started blogging, and getting my pictures on my blog, and totally got distracted on Facebook. A new girl (well, new to me, anyway) at church and I were Facebooking back and forth. SUPER sweet girl! And we're about the same age. I told her we'd get together and hang soon! Should be a good time :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Sometimes I make it just too easy for you, don't I, Sharon... hehe :)
lol.. I'm so glad you had a good day! I have a couple of friends PCSing to Fort Bliss and I thought of you when they got their orders. :)
Thank you!
Looks like a great day! The soda cup comparison was funny. Thanks for word art. The scrap page is great!
Is your friend that lives at Hood a member? Maybe I know her :)
Thank you!
p.s. About the moldy bread - have you tried finding a jelly/jam that matches the mold (if you don't tell the kids neither will I!) ;-)
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